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Pressure Measurement in Physiology and Biology



Biological Pressure Meter PRM-4x


Research grade pressure meter (monitor) for physiology and biology. It is optimized for biological measurements carried out with PC-based data acquisition (DAQ) systems. PRM-4x Pressure Meter has extremely high input sensitivity, excellent linearity and very fast recording speed.


The input pressure range is wide enough to cover nearly every biological research application. Any pressure appearing in the body of an experimental animal can be measured with it, such as blood pressure, intra-cranial pressure (ICP), breathing in the mouth, pressure in the lung, or any other pressure signal.


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Specifications / Technical Data


Units of measure are selectable by a front plate switch


Units of measure:




Sensor: standard Combitrans detector (non sterile)


Measurement range (referring to the pressure applied to the input of the Combitrans detector):

    •  - 200 Hgmm to 200 Hgmm

    •  - 200 mBar to 200 mBar


Resolution: 0.1 Hgmm or 0.1 mBar


Linearity error maximum: +/- 2 Hgmm or +/- 2 mBar


Input offset pressure adjustment with a 10-turn helical potentiometer


Correction range of the input offset pressure appearing at the input of the Combitrans pressure sensor: +/- 200 Hgmm or +/- 200 mBar


Sampling speed of the front panel digital pressure display: 3 samples/sec


Bandwidth at the Analogue Monitor Output: it depend on the sensor, with Combitrans it is 0 to 33 Hz


Scale factor of the Analog Monitor Output: 1 V equals to 100 Hgmm or 100 mBar


Analog output impedance: 300 Ohms


Supply voltage: 15 to 24 V DC with any polarity


DC Supply current: 500 mA


The complete User Manual of the Biological Pressure Meter PRM-4x is available for download.



Combitrans Pressure Sensor


PRM-4x Pressure Meter has been designed to use the standard, popular, surprisingly reliable, however cheap Combitrans pressure detector (sensor) units. The Combitrans detectors are standardized products. They are cheap, because they are used in the human practice as disposable parts, but in spite of this, they have got excellent linearity, very high recording speed and surprisingly good long-term stability. Supertech Instruments provides non sterile Combitrans sensors assembled with the appropriate plug for PRM-4x.


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You can find the general warranty and shipping conditions in the beginning of the Services page.


Biological Pressure Meter PRM-4x, DC-powered version: 504 EUR


Plug-in DC Power Supply PRM-DCPS-1, it is necessary to order for the Biological Pressure Meter PRM-4x: 42 EUR


Battery-powered version of the Biological Pressure Meter PRM-4x-Bat, with internal battery charger/conditioner module (for rechargeable battery): 612 EUR


Combitrans sensor PRM-CS-1, NON STERILE: 96 EUR




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